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About Us

ELIA Wellness & Lifestyle Medicine

ELIA Wellness

Adventist HealthCare partnered with ELIA Wellness in 2020. ELIA Wellness is dedicated to promoting optimal health and tackling chronic disease through evidence-based programs and empowering the community to better health, healing and hope. As a health promotion charity, ELIA Wellness promotes whole-person health through the 7 Dimensions of Wellness, and initiatives include extensive health education resources, events, health assessments and fitness programs. These are delivered online and face-to-face through local partners, as well as the ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre located at the San. 

Create your free online member account now to access whole-person health resources at your fingertips and the free Reduce Your Risk of Cancer plan, produced in conjunction with the San Integrated Cancer Centre.

ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre

The ELIA Lifestyle Medicine Centre at the San is focused on whole-person health for outpatients and the broader community. Evidence-based research underpins every aspect of personally-tailored programs and support to tackle chronic disease. The Centre offers the combined expertise of doctors with lifestyle medicine qualifications, dietitians, exercise physiologists, registered nurses, health coaches and psychology care all in the one centre. This interdisciplinary team works in close partnership with your GP and specialist, providing you with the additional support, programs and coaching to address chronic disease and promote wellness.

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A long history of Lifestyle Medicine

Since inception in 1903, the San has been an active proponent of lifestyle medicine with many varied health education programs offered throughout the years for our patients, staff and community.

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