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San Cancer Services

Support groups

Our support groups are available for both public and private patients, regardless of where treatment has been provided, and can be attended as often as required. For more information on any of the groups below please phone (02) 9480 9061 or email

Breast Cancer

Tuesday January 21,
1.00pm to 2.30pm

Family & friends

Resumes Tuesday February 4

Gastrointestinal & bowel cancer

Resumes Wednesday February 19

Gynaecological cancer

Resumes Monday February 10

Lung & respiratory cancer

Thursday January 16 & 30,
10.00am to 12.00pm

Metastatic breast cancer

Resumes Tuesday February 18

Pancreatic cancer

Thursday January 9,
1.30pm to 3.00pm

Prostate cancer coffee catch-up

Resumes Wednesday February 5

Prostate cancer

Resumes Monday February 24

Young women’s breast cancer

Resumes Wednesday February 12
(no meetings during school holidays)